Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy

welcome to your accomplice on our site Islam is my deen Jannah is my dream 
I am going to educate you regarding the protection strategy of this site https://striving4jannaah.blogspot.comIf people still use our website, at that point all of you need to follow the protection strategy of this site, else I can likewise square all of you. So every one of you individuals will peruse the protection strategy of our site (
Google AdSense
Don’t deliberately click on a Google advertisement appeared on one, in the event that you do this, then I can block you all from our website. That is, no client will deliberately click on any ad appearing on our site, we can block you from our website by doing so.

Children’s Policy

This site doesn’t provide any wrong and incorrect information. So in the event that you have 13 years of age So you can utilize this site. However, in the event that you have not 13 years of age so kindly don’t utilize this site. Because this site provides Mobile reviews and Technology information. It’s not important for children.

Terms & Condition

I request everyone not make any unnecessary comments on our site.

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On the off chance that all of you need to contact us, at that point, every one of you will get the underneath data.

All Right Reserved

I trust you all will utilize our site in the correct manner. In the event that anybody any loss because of its utilization, we won’t be answerable for it.

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