Friday, April 13, 2012

The Hijab Is Beautiful

                                     The Hijab Is Beautiful !
 Alhamdulillaah it is well known that The Muslim women is a creature of HAYA (Modesty). Allah s.w.t loves for our Muslim Women to be shielded by their Hijab. It is their outer protection from the decadence of this Life.
Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi wassallam) said : "Verily! Allah is Haya( modesty)and Sitteer(i.e. The one who Shield from disobedient acts) He loves Haya (i.e. He loves for one to practise Modesty) and Siter "Shielding Covering" ( Collected By Abu Dawood,An-Nisa'ee Al-Baihaqee.Ahmed & In Saheeh An-Nisa'ee)
ThereFore, We See That The Hijab Of Muslim Women Has A Quality That Comprises Haya (Modesty). Haya Is What Proceeds From Imaan(Belief).
That Is Why When Allah Subhana Wa Talah Commands The Women
To Observe Hijab,Allah Subhana Talah's Says: 

"And Tell The Believing Women " ( Surah An Nur 24:31)
 "And The Women Of The Believers" ( Surah Al Ahzab 33:59 )
 Further More Allah's Messenger Sallalahu Alaihe Wassalam Said : " Al Hayaa (Modesty & Bashfulnes ) is From Iman ( Belief ) And Iman Is In Al-Jannah ( The Paradise ) (Tirmidhi - Saheeh )

My Dear Sisters In Islam, Know That These Women Who Beautify Themselves.For The World To See Possess No Hayaa.Thus They Are Void Of Any Iman. Instead Of Looking To The Latest Fashion Models For Guidance,You
My Dear Sisters Must Look To The Wives Of The Prophet Sallalahu Alaihe Wassallam

May Allah s.w.t accept all of us to follow the Sunnah & the life of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihee wassalam)

                         * The Path to Sunnah is the Path to Jannah....