Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beautiful Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk by Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi

Beautiful Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk by Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi !!

*Read Surah Mulk every night. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi wassallam) said : ''Verily, a Surah from the Qur'aan consisting of thirty Ayaah (verses) interceded for a person until he was pardoned (by Allah) and that was Tabarakallazi Biyadihil Mulk" (Tirmizi, Haakim)
*Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi wassallam) said : ''Surah Tabarak is a great protector and deliverer; it protects and frees one from the Azaabul- Qab'r. (i.e. the punishment of the grave.(Tirmizi)
*One should try and read this Surah every night, either between the Maghrib and Isha Salaah; or the Isha Salaah. InshaAllah this Surah will become instrumental in saving one - from the tormenting punishment of the Qabr.